101 in 1001

My friend Whitney from The Curtis Casa started this project a while back and I think it ties in perfectly with my plan to do more with each day.

Why 1001 days? Big resolutions always seem to fall short. So instead this is a mis-matched list of long term and short term things to simply check off. It's stretched over 2.75 years so there's less pressure. Some of them are silly little things I want to try or be able to say I've done. Others are more serious things that I'd like to make permanent fixtures in my life.

The start date: 7/1/12
The end date: 3/29/15

1. Become a serious yoga student.
2. Take more ballet classes.
3. Read all Jane Austen novels. (1/6)
4. Go camping with friends.
5. Learn how to shoot a gun.
6. Meet a blog friend in real life.
7. Take more graphic design classes.
8. Give up soda for a month
9. Give up soda for a year (forever?)
10. Go on a picnic- use actual picnic basket.
11. Send my sister a care package.
12. Visit 3 states I’ve never been to. (1/3)
13. Go kayaking.
14. Get back in touch with my England friends.
15. Go on a cross-country road trip.
16. Knit a blanket.
17. Go to a museum with my sketch-book.
18. Walk from my house to the National Mall.
19. Go to an outdoor movie.
20. Start a book club.
21. Join a women’s bible study.
22. Grow Shannon Elizabeth Designs.
23. Get a new stamp in my passport.
24. Get a beach cruiser.
25. Have Grandma teach me how to make jelly.
26. Sew something I can wear.
27. Make/find wall art for above the couch.
28. Read a book in French.
29. Throw a dinner party. Send invites.
30. Commit to a 15 minute daily quite time.
31. Donate hair to locks of love.
32. “Year of the Cookie” challenge.
33. De-clutter/ simplify my life. Throw away stuff I don’t need.
34. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for a week.
35. Read the Lord of the Rings trilogy. (1/3)
36. Take a cooking class.
37. Learn to play 5 new songs on my guitar, from memory.
38. Go to an amusement park.
39. Go to a beer or wine tasting.
40. Try 10 recipes I’ve pinned.
41. Buy the perfect pair of boots.
42. Go on vacation with just my sister.
43. Become a member at a church.
44. Pickle my own pickles.
45. Visit my grandfather at Arlington Cemetery.
46. Save three month’s salary.
47. Go to a blog conference.
48. Pack my lunch every day for an entire week.
49. Organize craft supplies.
50. Pack bags with necessities to keep in car and hand out to homeless people.
51. Deep clean my car interior and exterior.
52. Learn how to properly knot a man’s tie and bow tie.
53. Get certified to scuba dive.
54. Host a game night.
55. Hang up my hammock and use it.
56. Memorize 30 verses.
57. Blog about each completed item on this list.
58. Go to a Nats game.
59. Get a puppy.
60. Hike on the Appalachian trail.
61. Stand on or under a waterfall.
62. Vote in the presidential election.
63. Try 5 DC food trucks. (5/5)

64. Develop a healthy skin routine.
65. Go to a movie by myself.
66. Make cranberry bread for the neighbors at Christmas.
67. Plant my own herbs to use in cooking.
68. Ride Space Mountain in Disney World.
69. Raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.
70. Communicate with someone in a foreign language.
71. Buy something at Eastern Market.
72. Use my professional camera more and my iPhone camera less.
73. 10 blog designs. (3/10)
74. Surprise someone with Georgetown Cupcakes.
75. Blog 4 times a week for a month.
76. Read 1 book a month-more if possible, keep a record of books read each month. (12/33)
77. Post a video blog.
78. Be a bridesmaid.
79. Try 5 DIY projects I’ve pinned.
80. Go to a haunted house and not close my eyes.
81. Watch the sunrise at Pretty Place.
82. Mail 50 spontaneous letters/cards to friends and family.(1/50)
83. Go to the Newseum.
84. Start a vinyl collection.
85. Go to Siesta Scripture Memory Team Celebration.
86. See a dermatologist.
87. Learn how to change a tire.
88. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
89. Invest in a new handbag.
90. Take a self defense class.
91. Write to my sponsor child once a month.
92. Design my own business card.
93. Go horseback riding.
94. Make an iTunes playlist of 101 of my favorite songs.
95. Stop saying “like.”
96. Pick up my violin again and take a lesson.
97. Update my online portfolio.
98. Update my resume.
99. Do a blog giveaway.
100. “Inspire” someone else to make a 101 in 1001 list. (yay mom!)
101. Celebrate finishing my list and create a new list!


  1. Oh wow I love this!! Love it!! I want to make my own list so you can check off #100. I could comment on so many of yours but my top fifteen are #2, 11, 14, 21, 28, 43, 45, 46, 56, 66, 72, 82, 86, 95 and 96.

    I think you and I both know if Daddy were picking his favorite would be # 51-ha : )

    Now go get busy!

  2. YAYY!! I'm so glad you're doing this - it's such a fun thing to keep up with! Can't wait to watch you cross them all off :)

  3. Wow that's a list!! What a great idea

  4. Wow love this and I think it's doable! Good luck

  5. Hi! I followed a link over from your mom's blog. What a great list you have. I've done some of the things on it (you'll enjoy doing them) and there are several things on there that would be on a list of my own...hmmm, maybe I should make one. Sort of the abbreviated version of a bucket list. The short time limit puts a little more pressure on to actually get out there and do it rather than waiting for the "someday."

  6. Inspiring ... I think I may have to come up with my own list (although 101 things seems rather daunting! Obviously this will take some thought!).

  7. Well you've certainly inspired me to a 101 in 1001 so you can definitely cross that one off your list!!

    Great list you've compiled there. I wish you all the best of luck and joy in completing your massive "to do" list :)

  8. Hiya, Shannon! I'm hopping over from your mother's blog.This is a really neat idea and your goals are definitely achievable. I'm now feeling all inspired to create my own list, so hopefully, I'll have it up next Tuesday (don't hold your breath, though)should I be able to get the 101 list pulled together. Your mom warned us it's not as easy as you think, and I'm sure it isn't! Now following you on GFC...~Cathy Kennedy's Blog

  9. Such a neat idea... My first thought was "I need to do this" then I decided to think about it and see if I can really commit...

    I did give up all soda for a year last year (Starting on New Years) and only cheated twice, once because I was so thirsty and there was no other option and once by accident. (A week after I started I ordered diet coke at a restaurant out of habit and was half finished with it before I remembered.)My year has been up for six months now and I rarely drink any soda (except ginger ale). So I am sure you can do it! I am now following you to keep up with your progress!

  10. Hi Shannon! Dropped in at your Mom's suggestion and I'm so glad I did. What a great idea. I am going to work on my list and post as well. :)

  11. Visiting from Joyces blog and love this. I may do this myself. I could have marked off several of the things on your list....but then...I have been around longer than you. :-)

  12. Visiting from your mom's blog & think this is fab! I am hoping to do this myself and I blogged about it with a link to your mom's blog and yours! Best of luck on completing your list I will need lots of luck to get my list made and done :)


  13. OK I have 101 up and running. It was hard to come up with some and others flowed like rain water. Thanks for the challenge.

  14. You and your mom inspired me and my list is up. Did you realize you have " go to a movie alone "twice? Gonna go twice alone? Lol. I would love to have you design a blog header for me!

    1. Thanks for pointing that out! I switched it out for a different one. If you want a header check out my design page and we can chat!

  15. This is a fabulous list - I especially like "learn my neighbor's names". We have a whole neighborhood of new neighbors right now (3 houses on our block - more in the neighborhood - have changed hands in the last 6 months) and I don't know any of the new owner's names! That would never have made my list, but I love it!

    Thanks for sharing,


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