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our family semester abroad

It started out as a hypothetical, what if, could we, is this even possible, a wild whim that we had a couple years ago. A few google searches turned into a couple phone calls, then a Zoom interview, and an official offer opened the door to our next adventure. Even then, a contract signed, it didn't quite feel like it would really happen. I didn't mention it on the Christmas card, didn't want to jinx it, because the mountain of logistics, the hoops that needed to be jumped through, made our crazy dream seem like just that, a dream.  But now I have paid a deposit on the most charming, four bedroom home. Plane tickets have been purchased, updated passports have been secured. The movers came last week and the kids and I are soaking in sunshine and time with family before our departure. The final boss level was getting T.J.'s work visa but that's officially taken care of so I can stop holding my breath. It still feels like a dream but I think it's safe to say it out-

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looking up

I spend a good chunk of my days looking down. I look down at little faces asking for another snack, or a kiss on a boo boo, or for help separating legos, or to listen to them describe a dream, or wondering what's my favorite type of bear. I look down at a nursing babe snuggled in my arms for n…

home for a little longer

This is the fourth house we've called home since tying the knot. This is the fourth house Tommy has called home since he was born. He's only six years old, that's a lot of moving! I sometimes wonder when we settle down next year with no expiration date or looming move on the horizon if …

sisters and mothers

We're a package deal we used to tease. Buy one get one sisters. We used to pretend to be twins and pick names that started with the same first initial and tell our mom to call us Melissa and Marissa or Candace and Cameron, obvious children of the nineties. As the oldest by two years I know ther…

sharing our next adventure(s)

I started this blog 14 years ago at the start of a new year and my final semester of college. I was entering the "real world" and wanted to document and remember precious memories with friends before whatever was next. I blogged about weekend recaps, plans for after graduation, family tri…

pause for preschool graduation

Tommy's last day of preschool was on Thursday. We had a school-wide picnic on Friday and now he and all his little friends will be off to Kindergarten in the Fall.  There was so much excitement buzzing around these sweet kids all running wild, playing and yelling like they did every day at sch…

Daisy's birth story

I've recorded the stories of each of my children's births and I love to re-read them and remember those special days. Days that defined and changed me from a woman into a mother of now three little hearts. I also love to read other moms' stories. Before giving birth each time I read as …

home lately

I started typing this one handed on a rainy afternoon with a sleeping baby girl in my arms and two little boys in the room next to me watching Peter Pan and having their third bowl of apple chips. It's taken a few stop and starts but I'm finally finishing this first new blog post with a bab…

a snow day

Yesterday was just one of those good days. Really just a normal day of being home, all of us, together.  It wasn't anything too out of the ordinary, except I think snow on the ground tends to add some magic to any day and it just felt like one I'd remember, or want to remember so here I am …

preparing for the next goodbye

All our stuff got boxed up and crated and sent by air and sea across the globe at the end of May. Since then we've been "glamping" in our apartment with mattresses on the floor, picnic blankets in the living room and the select toys I held back scattered everywhere. Our boys seem part…

Springtime in the Secret Garden

Saturday morning the Army casually dropped the news that Seoul was no longer off-limits! It’s been on the USFK restricted list since before Thanksgiving so when we saw the official announcement that as of Sunday 6am the entire peninsula was open to us we quickly booked a hotel room at the Army lodg…