Pre-Camp Target Trip

I'm heading to camp this weekend for Young Life Winter Weekend!! So I had a few things I needed to pick up for the trip and for my cabin. Plus I'll take any excuse I can to go to Target. I have to have a specific purpose in mind when I go to Target, I can't just go for no reason at all, or bad things happen to my wallet.

One thing I annoyingly needed was a sleeping bag. Every time I'm at my parents house I forget to grab one of mine and bring it back with me.  Can you return a sleeping bag after using it for a weekend? Eww... I hope no one did that with the one I bought....

I also wanted to load up on some junk food for the cabin.  I probably should have eaten dinner before going shopping because I was feeling a little wild in the snack food aisle.

Of course before I went looking for the actual items I intended to buy, I stopped in the clothing section (which is right at the front of the store making it impossible to skip) and ended trying on about 20 different things. In the end I restrained myself and ended up with only one really cute sweater, plus a turquoise thermal (I needed that for this weekend of course) and some boot socks.  Oh and a really shiny 2013 day planner that I'm obsessed with. And even though I never used the 2012 I bought (still sitting under a pile on my desk) I am definitely going to use this one and be super organized!

I think the cashier either thought I was a 10-yr old, whose mom had let her come into the store alone, or a teen mom judging by the amount of lunch-box-worthy food in my cart. And did I forget to mention the extra box of Milk Duds I was snacking on.... You'll notice they're not shown in the picture of my purchases below because, well, I ate them all. Judge away.


  1. Fortunately you know a good dentist . teehee. have fun!

  2. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who buys planners even though the last ones I bought are still unused! :)

    I'm giving you a blog award, you can find it here:

  3. I saw that sweater there, so pretty! Target is awful about getting me to overspend all the time :(


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