Hello Home Organization

Happy 2012! Hope everyone had a great start to the new year! I love this time of year. I feel so productive and motivated. Not like in December where all I wanted to do was go home and eat cookies.

This year is all about getting my grown up life organized/simplified/de-cluttered! Here are a few areas around my house in need of attention:
  • I have got to start keeping better track of my finances, my insurance, my benefits. I am now totally responsible for too many important documents. It's time to implement a filing system. I want a file or folder for banking, benefits, doctor/dentist, cell phone, vehicle, etc. I love Emily's office featured on her blog Cupcakes and Cashmere. She has no clutter and a great color coded system:
  • I'm embarrassed to admit that there is still a box that I have not unpacked (pushed into the corner so it doesn't taunt me). I moved in April.... uh... that is not ok!
  • There are also drawers in my desk that I never open (which means the contents are likely not important and could therefore make room for the pile of stuff on top.
  • My laundry room scares me-literally, I worry a murderer is going to jump out at me from the clutter! Something must be done!
  • I have too much stuff! Too many clothes that I don't wear any more. Too many bottles of old nail polish. Too many nick-knacks that get in the way and then get shoved into cramped desk drawers. Time to go!
  • I hardly ever wear jewelry except for my standard earrings or pearls because it's such a pain to actually get to it all and then I have to detangle! I want to put together something like this for my closet:
  • I got a sewing machine for Christmas and I would love to have space to actually use it. My crafting in general has taken a serious hit since I lost my craft closet from my old apartment.
  • I just ordered this cute trunk from Target (thanks family for the gift cards!) and I am going to use it to hold extra blankets and sheets that take up too much room in my closet. I am either going to put it at the foot of my bed or use it as a coffee table. I can't wait for it to arrive!

I realize I never did a Home Tour after I moved up to DC. After I knock out a few of these projects I will definitely do an update!


  1. Love the jewelry organizer! Such a good idea.

  2. I love that trunk! I've had the same one for a few years now. It holds throw blankets and is currently my coffee table in Auburn. Great piece of furniture! Happy new year!

  3. I love the trunk...can't wait to see it IN PERSON : ) We can organize when I'm in town if you want. Or shop and eat out. Whatever.

  4. I love getting organized! check out this blog for fun tips/ideas: http://iheartorganizing.blogspot.com/ & I love that you got a sewing machine! so much fun!

  5. I like the trunk and I thing once your organized it will be so easy to keep it up.....especially come tax prep time!

  6. What a great idea for jewelry! And I have to agree about the trunk, very nice! Good luck with your organizing projects!


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