Tuesday Tunes: As Heard on TV

One of the best ways to learn about new music is through soundtracks to TV shows or in commercials. Nowadays so many commercials and previews tell you what song and artist they are using, but if they don't I just type in some of the lyrics to google. Here are a few that I recently downloaded:
Kings and Queens- by 30 Seconds to Mars, as heard on a commercial for orange Sunkist.
Broken- by Lifehouse, as heard on intense/dramatic (aren't they all) rerun of Grey's Anatomy.
Secrets- by One Republic, as heard in a preview for ABC Family's Pretty Little Liars.
Animal-by Neon Trees, as heard in a commercial for Las Vegas.
From The Morning- by Nick Drake, as heard in the ATT commercial where they are draping all the orange fabric over everything.
Uprising- by Muse, as heard in the Tom Cruise movie preview Knight and Day
I love all kinds of music. Adelaide and I were singing to Z. Brown band this afternoon... Chicken Fried!!! My husband loves the Beatles, so he cranks that up a lot and we all sing along. We love music at this house!!! Love & blessings from NC!