I Need A Sweater

I have been a busy bee! I started working last week and it actually feels good to be productive and earn a paycheck at the same time. It's been some early mornings and long days but this is what I get to see on my way to work everyday...not too shabby for Shannon!
So, like the rest of the South, it has been ridionkulously hot here! I'm talking high 90's people!! I break a sweat just from walking between my car and my apartment. I have second degree burns on my hands from my getting in my hot car and grabbing the steering wheel.

However, the other night around 11 pm I was walking outside around my apartment complex going to visit some friends. I thought to myself, wow it's kind of chilly out, I kind of need my sweater. I looked at my handy dandy iPhone to see what the temperature was and you'll never guess! It was 83 degrees! And I was chilly! Yep I have become completely desensitized. I have no concept of what is hot or cold anymore because it is just soooooo dang hot. Anything less than 90 degrees feels cool to me!

In other, better news my mom is coming this weekend!!!!! I cannot wait for some face time with her. Shopping and lunches and long talks and we get to watch the bachelorette and Jersey housewives together!! hehe...


  1. I am so excited that your Mom is coming to visit. What fun you gals will have. I love my "girl time" with my 2 girls. We have so much fun! I can't wait to hear what you all get in to. Love & blessings from NC!

  2. Absolutely gorgeous view! And it is funny how quickly we adjust, isn't it? I've lived in Florida for three years now, and I find temperatures in the 70's, which I used to think was perfect weather, to be just a bit nippy. Hope you and your mom have fun this weekend!

  3. hahaha I know! When it gets a little below 90 I am like, what happened out here? So you watch real housewives??? I am addicted! It's a trainwreck I can't turn away from.... especially NJ! I can't get enough!

  4. Glad things are going well with work. And I love that view! I need to get down to there to see that for myself. BTW, you have been tagged on my 6/26 blog post. Game on!

  5. You do have a pretty view on your way to work! I know you & your mom are having so much fun this weekend!


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