My Flashback Friday
My mom wrote a really amazing post over on her blog.
It told a story about me. And my family.
She tells it pretty darn well.
Someone said I should write the same story from my perspective.
I have a lot of perspective now.
Twenty two days before the last day of August 2003, mom and dad said to sister and I, we're moving to England.
Excuse me? You have to be kidding me? If you don't mind I'm going to stay at home.
We packed up everything. The movers were not good.
I laid on the floor in a ball where my bed should have been but was now in a box, and cried.
Went to a lot of going away parties. Played a little fast and loose with the word "party."
We had a lot of luggage. Sister and I cried in the airport, cried on the plane- but only for a little, I like flying. Watched a movie on the plane. Was distracted. Clung to sister.
Landed in a new place. Heathrow Airport. England. Home? Not quite.
Felt more like a vacation. I felt a little nauseous. Very tired.
Finally got to the rented house. Slept in my rented bed. In a room that has curtains I really don't like.

Went to school the next day.
I was not a happy camper. Begged not to go. I was still jet lagged, still reeling.
Mom and Dad drove us to school-the first of many interesting rides on the left side of the road.
Arrived at the new school that I was determined not to like that happens to look like a mansion.
Took a French exam. Thanks parents.
Also determined not to cry.
Was the new girl.
Got lost going to homeroom. Didn't know who I was going to eat lunch with. Didn't know where the cafeteria was.
I still remember what I wore that day. I met a lot of people.
I wanted to go back to the states.
Go into London instead. Take the tube for the first time.

London is nice.
Amazing actually. Maybe this isn't so bad.
First thanksgiving on a train to Paris, no turkey dinner. But it's Paris right?
I am stubborn. Dealt with big time sophomore slump. I take a while longer than sister.
But I stop crying. Stop complaining.
No longer just a house.
Actually like the school.
Actually not that bad at French.
Friends move. More new people come all the time. Every year make new friends
No longer the new girl. Become the girl who shows around the new girls.

Introduced to Young Life.
Realize I wasn't as happy as I thought I was at the big high school in America.
Change my attitude.
Thank my parents! Still thanking them today.
Love to travel. Get to travel A LOT! Love my passport.
Love new foods. New places. New people. New experiences.
Never ever bored!
Love my home.
Our garden.
Our town.
The highstreet.
Our pub.
Covent Garden.
Tea with milk and my mom.
Learn to drive on the left side.
Renew my visa.
Love my friends.
Brought closer to my family.

Wish I had lived there longer, moved there earlier.
Don't know who I'd be if I never had.
Wish I lived there now.
Love this. Love you. Feel like crying. You're the sweetest.
ReplyDeleteAdd your link to the other Flashback posts over at Mylestones. It's a good Flashback Friday!
Made me cry. Thanks for taking me up on my suggestion! ; )
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your England experience; all the high's and low's. Many, many highs in the end and I think that is wonderful.
I can remember telling our kids that we were moving to England. We told them on Christmas day after all of the excitement was done and we played all morning and into the afternoon. How many kids were crying within moments out of our five you may wonder? All 5!! The younger two cried because everyone else was crying. It's funny now, but it wasn't then.
Since our kids are a little younger than you and little sis, they still can't see all of the blessings of this move. I pray that one day they will have all the perspective you now have.
I think you are a terrific young lady and it's great getting to know you through your mom's blog and now yours.
Blessings to you,
Enjoyed your post! Sometimes changes are hard, but once we get over the shock of it, we realize it is the best thing that ever happened to us. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteuntil next time... nel
Hey Shannon, your Mom and I are FB and blog friends. Also, my daughter Adelaide is one of your blog friends. Your Mom and I have talked about how much Young Life has impacted our lives. I was in YL and my YL leader in college works for YL and was Ad's YL leader in high school. Adelaide was a senior leader. Your Mom and I are hoping to get to meet each other this year sometime. Hope your semester at school is going well. Love & blessings from NC!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your side of the story. From what I've seen on her blog, your mom is an amazing woman and you were lucky to be raised by her.
ReplyDeletesuch a great story! i really enjoyed reading it. that is such a challenge that you overcame and made the best of!
ReplyDeleteAwww, such a precious side of THE family story, Shannon. So how are you doing with getting "Americanized" again? Would you mind sharing some of the things that you liked about England and wished were different in the states? Thanks so much for your transparency. :-)
ReplyDeleteShannon I feel like such an idiot because I never put two and two together that YOU were the daughter of my mom's blog friend that moved to London and back! She talks about your mom all the time, just like they are best friends. I hope when they have a meet up we can too. It's crazy that we already have connections through YL. Small world, huh? Living in London seems like such a cool experience! I've never been to Europe but I hope to one day. I'd love to hear more about your experience in London if you feel like sharing :)
ReplyDeleteThat is really sweet. I read your mom's blog and our little family of 5 live in Wales and it's good to hear your perspective...our girls are young, but 2 were born in the UK. They are now 5, 3, and 1. I hope they grow up to love their experience like you have! Thanks!