Free Time
Nope I don't really have any. I am overloading this term and I am a double major Studio Art and Communication Studies (don't know if I ever shared that tid-bit before) which means a lot of work outside of the classroom plus a senior show. I am also doing an internship at a local graphic design firm and I am trying to figure out what the heck I'm going to be doing next year.
I could so easily let this overwhelm me and stress me out but I'm going to stay on the bright side. I am actually really excited about finding a job. I feel that leaving college is going to be very freeing- I can do what I want, a job that I really love, that I am passionate about! No more GERs or major requirements or exams! Yes I know that the "real world" comes with a whole new slew of things like bills and mortgages and bosses but I'm ready.
I have started making a list of things that I want to do, am excited to do and hopefully will have time do once I am out of school. It helps minimize stress and stay positive and focused about graduating!
Here is what I have so far:
1. Scrapbooking- I started making a scrapbook of all my sorority pictures from events and functions and things so I want to finish that (I am missing junior and senior year pages). I also want to make a whole college scrapbook that is just filled to the brim with pictures from all four years. And I want a young life scrapbook of my team and my kids! These three books should keep me pretty busy...
2. I want to learn web programming. HTML, XHTML and CSS code so that I can make web pages. Today I went to Barnes and Noble (I could spend weeks there) and I bought a book that will help me teach myself. It's for the absolute beginner so I feeling hopeful that I can learn. I might start looking through this book before graduation because knowing this is going to be really helpful in the graphic design industry.
3. I want to sew and maybe make some of my own clothes. I look at clothes in stores and online and just think why in the world does that dress or shirt or skirt that is a single piece of fabric cost a hundred dollars? I'm being economic plus I think it just be totally cool to make my own clothes and then everything would fit me right!! Maybe I'll ask for a sewing machine- birthday/graduation?
4. Learn to play the harmonica. I got one for my birthday a while ago but I never really mastered it. This is probably a reaction to seeing the Holcombs play this weekend.... but it would still be really fun if I could play my guitar and harmonica simultaneously.
That's all I have on my list so far.
It's a good list...especially the getting a job part : ) kidding! sort of : )
ReplyDeleteI miss your guitar playing days on the stone patio in the garden that never ceased to amaze. Sigh.
I like you list. Maybe when you're done with your scrapbooks you could come finish my of the boys...I've got Jude's done from birth to 3yrs and Beau from birth to 1yr. I'm a little behind! Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteOMG you saw Drew and Ellie this weekend? I'm OBSESSED! Luckyyy :)
ReplyDeleteBest of luck on your list and looking for a job!