
Showing posts from December, 2013

Planner/ Dreamer

My Mema gave me a new planner for 2014. It's the "Our Daily Bread" planner and I'm already in love with it. Each new month starts off with a beautiful photograph and a devotional blurb to prepare your heart for the coming days. Then there is a month overview with a verse for that …

And lots of cookies.

It's so hard to write about a such a great holiday. It was just a wonderful time a home with lots of family and lots of cookies. Those are the best kinds of vacations in my opinion.

We cooked huge meals and crowded around our dining table and washed a lot of dishes.
We stayed in our pajamas and…

Pre-Christmas Weekend Recap

TJ and I decided that we didn't want to wait until New Years to celebrate Christmas together. So even though we had spent the previous weekend together and even though he stayed in town until Tuesday last week, and even though I'm going to see him again next Monday, I booked a flight down t…

How About the Hodgepodge

So I thought I'd link up to the hodgepodge this week since I've basically been missing in action on the blog front... blame this guy:

Here we go...
1. Do you believe in miracles? 
Absolutely. What I don't believe in is coincidences. God is in everything, and the smallest chance encounter…

Let it Snow

Like the rest of the East Coast and a good chunk of the US in general we saw some snow yesterday. We didn't get enough to cancel work for the whole day but we did get a 2 hour delay which is better than nothing. I spent most (all) of the weekend on the couch with the blinds open,t he Christmas…

Still Thankful

Thanksgiving may be over and we may be in the full on Christmas mode but it's never too late to remember all the blessings in your life that you have to give thanks for.

Most importantly I am thankful I got to spend the holiday at home with my parents and my sister. It's been far too long s…