What I Read in January
Happy February everyone. Admittedly it's not my favorite month. It feels kinda like a cold, gray, speed bump on the way to spring. And I'm not a huge fan of the Super Bowl or Valentine's Day either. But, all those negatives aside, I did really love that even just yesterday I came out of work and it wasn't pitch dark outside! I can hardly remember what it's like to be able to walk home from the metro after work and still have hours of warm sunny daylight left to enjoy. But those days are coming my friends.
Moving on... I only read two books last month. And by two I mean only one and just half of another.
1. Defending Jacob- William Landay
A free sample came pre-loaded on my Nook and I finally read it and then of course had to download the whole thing. The basic premise is the assistant district attorney's son is accused of murder and he battles to defend him, not just in court. It's suspenseful and kinda creepy. It reminded me of the the book We Need to Talk About Kevin, which still haunts me years after reading it, except it's told from the perspective of the father instead of the mother. It asks really tough questions. Like, do we really know what our children are capable of? How responsible are we for the very nature of their character? What would you do if this was your child?
2. Roses- Leila Meacham
Moving on... I only read two books last month. And by two I mean only one and just half of another.
1. Defending Jacob- William Landay
A free sample came pre-loaded on my Nook and I finally read it and then of course had to download the whole thing. The basic premise is the assistant district attorney's son is accused of murder and he battles to defend him, not just in court. It's suspenseful and kinda creepy. It reminded me of the the book We Need to Talk About Kevin, which still haunts me years after reading it, except it's told from the perspective of the father instead of the mother. It asks really tough questions. Like, do we really know what our children are capable of? How responsible are we for the very nature of their character? What would you do if this was your child?
2. Roses- Leila Meacham
I'm only half way through this one. It's a long family saga, 600+ pages. I would call it a love story but so far it's not a very happy one. It's tragic, that's the best word. The characters are deeply flawed-pride I've decided is one of the ugliest human traits- but you desperately want them to finally get what they want but have fought against for their whole lives.
What have you read lately?
What have you read lately?
"A good book should leave you slightly exhausted at the end.
You live several lives while reading it." -William Styron
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