The Weary World...Rejoices

Christmas is still coming. Even in these dark days filled with the grief of so many parents and families. Christmas, full of Hope and the promise of salvation.  Born in the darkness of night. And we so desperately need it. This year, oh Lord, this year has been too much.

Long lay the world in sin and error pining.
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of Hope, the weary world rejoices...

I think I better understand those words after this year. What it means to pine- for heaven, for a better home because clearly this world is not where we belong. My worth is not found here; my soul finds it's worth only in Jesus. Everything else is fleeting.

Be near me Lord Jesus

I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray.
Bless all the dear children 
In Thy tender care, 
And fit us for heaven 
To live with Thee there. 

God lost His only child once. He sent Him into this broken world. And unlike the parents in CT who sent their sweet angels to school that day, God knew full well the cruelty, the trials and the death that awaited Jesus.

And evil shows up in a kindergarten classroom, or a hospital, and rears it's disgusting ugly head and raises the impossible question - Why?

Why these children? 

Why those teachers?

Why Anna?

And these days are dark and the tears flow freely and the grip of evil seems to tighten and wants to squeeze all the joy out of this holiday season and out of our hearts. And the words from these Christmas carols bring me to my knees in sorrow.

But in this sorrow, broken, weak words of thanks and praise escape my heart and my lips. Because I don't think I've ever felt the presence of God more, been more sure of His promises that morn shall tearless be.

There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still. 

In this pit of sadness do you feel the thrill of hope when you realize that death has been already defeated? By a God who loves us and left His throne for us. A God who knows our "why's" and our sufferings and longs to take it all away.

He answers us with Jesus.

And this war is already won, darkness just doesn't know it yet!


  1. This is a lovely post, and gives me a feeling of hope, as the mother of daughters. :) You are's already won.
    I'm so sorry about the year your family has had. I pray that Christmas in particular is a time of joy and healing as you all move forward into the new year.


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