D.C. Routine

I am happily settling into my 3rd week in D.C and I am truly enjoying my little routine.
  1. 7:20 am- Wake up, curl my hair, get dressed, eat breakfast (except on Wednesdays when my work provided complimentary breakfast-yum), pack lunch.
  2. Out the door by 8:05 am- Walk to Metro, listen to my iPod. I like to get to the station around 8:17 when a completely empty train comes in and I am guaranteed a seat.
  3. At my office by 8:45. Get settled- change out of walking shoes into heels. Open my inbox, check emails, begin my day, ready by 9 am.
  4. 9:00-Noon- Office time.
  5. 12:00-1:00- Grab lunch and head outside to sit in "park." Usually I call home and chat with mom. I've also been calling Peter during my break now that he's back in the country. I've been meaning to bring a book to read during this time as well.
  6. 1:00-5:30- Office time.
  7. Take Metro home and walk back to my house.
  8. Usually go on a long walk with roommate, grab some dinner and relax.
  9. Get ready for the next day- lay out clothes, shower and dry my hair so I only have to curl it in the morning.
  10. Read a little or watch TV then head to bed.
This is a good routine. I like walking to and from the Metro everyday (especially since we've only had one rainy day). I like that I have time in the morning on the Metro to sit and be quiet and listen to music before work (without the hassle of driving my own car). I really like my job and how I feel productive and purposeful everyday. I like having time outside during the middle of the work day. And I like coming home to one of my best friends from college/now roomsky and walking a couple miles in the sun to get dinner at Whole Foods.

My lovely little routine is going to change a little bit though. Because...as of Saturday evening this boy became a college graduate!
And as of last night, he is living in D.C.!!
While I am now going to have to figure out a slightly different schedule, I am more than happy to do it for him! For instance tomorrow he is meeting me for lunch! Yes, I think this is most definitely a positive adjustment to my D.C. routine, one I have been anxiously awaiting!


  1. Sounds like a perfect routine with a new bonus of a cute lunch date now and again! Have a wonderful day!

  2. So fun that he's in DC now! I'm a bit jealous, my boyfriend is 8 hours away. Boo! Anyways, I'm very glad you are loving DC and your job!

  3. I'm so behind on reading this, but I'm LOVING your schedule. It's very similar to my day, and it's very fulfilling. I'm so glad that your move to DC was seamless - and I'm sure it's only going to get better when you bf is more available!!


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