Mission Year and a Technical Question

Hey folks.
Time to share something important with you. My friend and fellow graduate has made the awesome decision to participate in Mission Year.

"Mission Year is a year long urban ministry program focused on Christian service and discipleship. We take teams of young people, place them in an area of need, and help them to serve people and create community. We are committed to the command of Jesus to “love God and love people,” by placing the needs of our neighbors first and developing committed disciples of Christ with a heart for the poor."

Learn more about the program here.

I am so excited for her and I am going to live vicariously through her blog which I am inviting you all to follow as well.

Her name is Becky by the way. And she was also an art major with me. Wonderfully enough, she is using her artistic awesomeness to raise support for her year. She has set up an etsy website where she is selling all kinds of handmade goodies- scarves, hats, aprons, totes, photographs, ceramics. Check it out and support a really great program and a really great girl.
Question for you now,
Can you see my blog background?I am not sure it is loaded properly, and it's my first official background design so I'm a little concerned. It appears to work fine on my laptop (which is a Mac) but nothing shows up on my work computer (a really old Dell). What do you all see?


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