Last Day of Classes was amazing and it was the perfect distraction from my busy week of exams. Here are some highlights.

1. Our school always has a big party in front of the library with music and funnel cakes and free give-aways, a giant blow up slip and slide. AND the best part is we finally get to play in the fountains!
2. After dinner we went around to every academic building and took pictures together and gave toasts! We even snuck into our old rooms on the ADPi hall from sophomore year which is where we all really became best friends. We've decided we are going to make this a yearly tradition- something we do at homecoming each year. I think it would be hysterical to sneak past the RA and onto the hall with a bottle of champagne when we are all old ladies.
3. After our campus tour we headed downtown to meet up with everyone else and hang out and enjoy my last day of college classes EVER! It was a great night!


  1. I love the little turquoise dress : )

    Looks like fun...and warm too. It was 34 degrees here this morning. Ew.

    Can't wait to see you soon!

  2. What a fun ending to your college days!!! I know you are getting so excited about graduating. But it is a very bittersweet time too. Good luck with exams! Love & blessings from NC!

  3. Congrats! Glad you are going out with a bang! Memories to last a life time! Have fun!!

  4. Yay for graduating! My grad. was outside and it started pouring down rain in the middle of handing out diplomas - I'll never forget it.


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