is this thing on?
Hello... um, hi. It's me, Shannon. Dusting off the old blog here. I feel like somehow blogging isn't a thing anymore unless you're an influencer linking to the products for your nighttime skincare routine (which, by the way I do appreciate). But my mom still blogs, still typing away sharing her voice and her wisdom, a picture of her life in the season she's in and I still love to read it. And maybe one day my boys will wish I had written down more for them about what their mom and our little family was up to. And somehow I have an almost 18month old and while it seems impossible that I could ever forget the way he turns and looks at you and sticks his tongue out, or the way he immediately starts clapping and bouncing whenever music comes on, or the way his big brother sings "when you pretend you can be anything" ... I don't want to leave it up to chance.
So where am I? How am I? Basically I'm fine, we're fine, everything's fine. Like I said above, Will turned one a few months back and is becoming a toddler despite my best efforts to keep him a baby. I absolutely love this age so much. He's running, climbing, jumping, bouncing, dancing all over the place. But he's also so snuggly, giving big squeezes and pulling book after book off the shelves to read cuddled up in our laps. His sweet little voice is trying new words every day and he loves to growl like a dinosaur and yell like a hooligan. He still nurses, sleeps great, and looks so much like his brother did at this age but with a mop of blonde hair instead of brown.
Speaking of his brother... Tommy and him are becoming actual friends. I love watching them really play together and hearing the sounds of them chasing each other around, giggling and falling on top of each other is the loudest most joyful soundtrack in our house. Tommy is going to be four before I know it. He is so smart and nothing gets past him. If he hears a word he doesn't know he drills it down. He also loves to read and read and read with mommy and daddy. He got a bunch of floor puzzles for Christmas this year and likes to do them all by himself and then ask us if we're so proud of him. We are! He asks endless questions, loves to sing loudly, has acquired quite the collection of airplanes, and is always coming up with new and elaborate ways to delay bedtime. One of the things that makes my heart so happy is all the little friends Tommy has made and hearing from their mamas how they all say Tommy is their best friend. I hope he makes and keeps friends easily his whole life long! Our neighborhood is full of little boys his age and he is never without a playmate. I hope we can find that wherever we go next.
The countdown has started for our time left in Korea and Facetime has made the distance between us and our family seem a lot less than the 14 hours and 8,000 miles it actually is. I think everyone experienced a little homesickness this past year, even if you live just around the corner from family, we've all felt that tug of isolation and a longing to just be with our people. I knew I'd miss our family but I think it was made especially hard by that thing were all sick of talking about: covid. Rather than being busy and distracted with exploring Korea and all around Asia, going and doing as many things as we possibly could during our short assignment here, we were stuck in a groundhog's day loop, inside a very small bubble. And I'll admit that I often found myself thinking that if we were back in the states at least we could be with our family.
But things have the illusion of settling down here. Restrictions are being lifted slowly but surely and there is hope for the remaining months we have left in Korea. I know we wont get to do even a fraction of the traveling I had imagined we would, but even now I wouldn't trade our time here. Despite some of the complaining I may have done, I still would have chosen to spend these strange months of social distancing, mask wearing, isolation in Korea. We love this country, the community we've met, all the bizarre and wonderful quirks, the beauty we've seen. We got to- we're still getting to- experience life in a foreign country and explore a corner of the world very few people ever have a chance to see.
We may never travel off the peninsula like we hoped to, but if nothing else, I want to leave here feeling like I did Korea right! We're putting some fun little trips on our calendar and even though traveling with two little ones, especially after spending so much time not going anywhere at all, can be overwhelming we're doing it. We're busting out of our comfort zone... and lets be honest... going anywhere I'm not familiar with the parking situation here is outside of my comfort zone. (Will I be able to fit my jeep into that tiny space? What if the parking garage doesn't accept foreign credit cards? If I park on the street will I get a ticket? Sometimes those questions keep me at home.)
Our next duty station is still a bit up in the air and I strongly dislike (trying really hard not to use the word "hate" here...) the uncertainty and the feelings of being totally out of control over our lives. Since we can't do anything concrete just yet I have zillow searches saved for rental homes in several corners of the country, we've paid deposits on 4 preschools in almost as many states, and I've joined facebook spouse's groups for a couple different posts. So whenever we do get the final word I'll be ready.
But I'm not going to be one of those people counting down the days until we leave because I know I'm going to be sad to say goodbye to this place we were lucky to call home for a short while. We're on the downhill side of this assignment, though and before I know it... we'll be scheduling movers, selling our cars to a frazzled fresh-off-the-plane family, canceling phone plans and trying to remember where we stuck our U.S. sim cards, going to our favorite restaurants for last meals, saying goodbye to the friends and the playgrounds that made covid-19, HPCON-C measures bearable. Then it will be on to the next adventure!
Shannon!! Thank you for posting an update!! I am amazed at how 'mature' Tommy looks now! He has grown up into a little man and your Will is so adorable at 18 months. Praying for you and your family to get a good assignment and to have an easy move back to the states. Wishing you many blessings over these next months as you prepare to start another chapter in your lives!
ReplyDeleteWe are excited for the adventures to come, but also know the heart pain at leaving behind a place that once felt new and strange, but is now a part of you. So happy to hear your voice again in the blogosphere. Now don't wait another 211 days to post again xo
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of your Mum's blog and it's always interesting to read your posts too. Your boys are super cute and yes so alike. I hope you do get to do some traveling in Korea before you move locations. Hopefully that will be somewhere closer to family.
ReplyDeleteYour mom mentioned you're back to blogging again. Being a mom of two small children is busy work, so I get where your priorities lay. I know how excited you must be to return to the states to be close to your families. Covid has made life difficult for everyone in general but thankfully technology eases the separation pains. Video calling is super cool! Enjoy your time remaining in Korea. Stay safe and be well!
You are just as good of a writer as your sweet Momma and I so enjoyed every word of this post. And, the boys, just as cute as cute can be. And, hats off to you for such a great, great attitude of being half way around the world away from all that's familiar to you and yours. May the Lord land you just exactly where your family needs to be for your next adventure. Blessings abundant!
ReplyDeleteI follow your mom's blog. I always enjoy reading about your family. My son is in the Wisconsin National Guard. He completed his Basic Training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina and his AIT at Fort Gordon, Georgia.
I will be praying for you and your family as your next adventure starts.
xx oo
Tommy has grown so much I had to do a double-take to realize that is him! What cute boys you have.
ReplyDeleteSo the time in Korea is getting short. I wish you all the best and that your next assignment is a place you will enjoy. You have proven yourself to be very adaptable and I know wherever you land, you will definitely make the best of it. (visiting from your mom's blog)
Our grands are similar ages to your sons, a girl (almost 4) and boy (almost 2). It's fun to see your sons and some of the similarities in their growth. Hope that assignment becomes known to you soon and that it is driving distance to your folks! Blessings.