How I found out I was pregnant.

I found out I was pregnant on Sunday, November 20th, a date I'll never forget because it's the date I found out I was going to be a mama. I went of birth control at the end of June and while we weren't exactly trying (aside from the obvious), we weren't doing anything to prevent a pregnancy. So pretty much every month since June I would convince myself that I was pregnant. I was hyper sensitive to every little thing going on in my body. I'd take pregnancy tests way too early every month sure I'd see a positive. But November was different, which I guess should have been my first clue.  I decided to chill out with the pregnancy tests because I was becoming slightly obsessed.  Turns out it wasn't that hard to restrain myself until the day of my missed period because that month I had no "symptoms" other than some light twinge-y cramping that I thought was probably just PMS. So Sunday morning rolls around and it's the first day that I could safely take a test and I tried to keep my expectations in check. I just thought you'd feel a certain way, not sure what way exactly because I'd never been pregnant before, but I'd just thought I'd have an intuition. But of course the one month I didn't have any "symptoms" or do any crazy testing is the month I really end up pregnant!

I had bought a box of those cheap paper tests on Amazon and other months I've gone cross eyed staring at those little strips of paper willing a line to appear with no luck... until that Sunday morning. T.J. was still asleep so I slipped into the guest bathroom to discretely take the test and as soon as I realized that I was not imagining that faint pink second line I immediately took a second test. And then when that one was also positive, and I was still in blissful shock,  I broke out the big guns: the digital First Response stick that says either "yes+" or "no-."  Other months I've hated those. It's one thing to stare and stare and finally admit there's only one line. But a clear, spelled out NO is kinda like a slap in the face, even when you're not exactly trying. When that YES appeared that morning I was already shaking and sweating and silently freaking out and jumping for joy and saying thank you Lord! thank you Lord! thank you Lord! over and over while T.J. was still waking up.

I was tempted to just run out of the bathroom and blurt it out right away but he was about to go in to the office to do some reading for work and I knew it would distract him (that's an understatement) so I played it so cool (not really) until he left then I paced around the house, and debated on how to tell him, and tried saying "I'm pregnant" out loud for the first time,  and literally stared out the window watching for his truck once I knew he was on his way home. I quickly made a little paper sign and attached it to Hunley and then I had to keep Hunley from eating the sign for the next 5 minutes.
Let's just say T.J. was shocked, suprised, definitely a little panicked, all feelings I experienced that morning.  But throughout the day his panic slowly turned to super sweet, gentle, and protective making sure the dog didn't jump up on me and telling me I better be taking my prenatal vitamins every day because we don't want the baby to have flippers.

I had a blood test the next day to confirm the pregnancy and that phone call saying "congratulations, you're due date is August 1st" was so surreal; it definitely took a while to sink in. Anyway... I know in my last post I said I wasn't going to only blog about pregnancy stuff but I've been keeping it a secret for so long that I have all these posts and thoughts built up that I wanted to record and share. Thanks for putting up with me.


  1. This is an exciting time and of course you want to share! Congratulations. I'm very excited for you both. (For all three of you, I mean.)

  2. So excited for you! I totally didn't believe I was really going to see a pink line the day a found out either! Best surprise ever.

  3. Thanks for sharing all of this with us!! I (for one) would be so excited to read every one of your posts with your pregnancy as the subject so don't hold back!!

  4. Yayyayayayay! I'm still so excited for you!

    1. Thank you so much!! I've been reading all your old and new pregnancy posts and it makes me even more excited for baby!

  5. Loved your story today! It's kinda interesting, too, to read about how a doctor responds to the news he's gonna be a dad!

    1. Thanks! He's excited but he'd been doing a rotation at the children's hospital at the time and seeing some hard cases so I know he thinks about that in relation to our child now. I can't wait to see him become a dad!

  6. Yay!!! I love this! I don't know how you held it in all morning, haha! I love living vicariously through others, so I vote for all the pregnancy posts!

  7. Thanks for sharing and congratulations to you both! I know your mom and dad are so excited too! I bet there is going to be a lot of frequent flying miles accumulated the next few years!


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