Long Weekend

This weekend I packed up all my summer stuff and hauled out the colder weather wear.  I also took a bag of clothes that I didn't touch all summer to Goodwill. I figure if I didn't wear them this season there's no point storing them for next summer. I actually love doing this- clearing out space in my closet, having everything so organized before it succumbs to the rush of the early morning when I leave sweaters flung about in a frenzy.

Of course more room in my closet meant a trip to Target was appropriate. Plus I had a $25 gift card which means I only spent $150 instead of $175.... what is it about that place??!

I had off yesterday for Columbus Day. It's so nice to have a random day off and I kind of like that I didn't have any plans. I got sleep in and take a really long shower and take the time to actually style my hair. And then I took myself to Panera for 3 hours and ate lunch outside in the sun (finally it stopped raining) and I chatted on the phone with my mom and I didn't have to cut her off and run back to the office.

But it also felt a bit like a waste of time. And honestly I wish we had this extra day off around Christmas time instead of for this fake holiday.

You see I'm going to South Carolina this weekend to see my boy and I'm just ready to get this week going and get to Friday! It's been over a month since his 24 hour visit and FaceTime is not the same as face to face time.

So I'm hoping this week flies by and I hope my flight is on time but then I hope time stops for a few days and that next weekend passes as sweet and slowly as this 3 day weekend.

Happy Monday, I mean Tuesday!


  1. Oh my goodness! Totally me! I frequent Goodwill, Panera and Target. Such wonderful places. Sounds like a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend!


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