Sister Pictures
Last week Ree, (aka Pioneer Woman), posted the photographs from her "Sisters Assignment". I've really enjoyed looking at all these images. The variety of relationships, expressions and emotions have been so sweet. I've never submitted any photos to her before but I did on Friday, hoping it would make it in to Saturdy's Group 5. Sadly it did not (possible because I sent it in the day before) but it was still fun to play around with this image.

It's a really old photo, taken before digital photography, possibly on a disposable camera, and it's been scanned into the computer. Quality not so great. But I fiddled around with it and photoshopped it up. Here is the original unedited image:

I wanted to make Sister and I pop, stand out (from the bright nineties NJ state fair crowd) soI opened the image in photoshop then using the "Lasso" tool I outlined just the two of us and made us into a "new layer via copy." Then I used the "Blur" tool to soften the background. Then I used the "Burn" tool to cast a shadow on the background. Finally to sharpen and boost the image I used the PW Action "Define and Sharpen." And here is what I submitted to Pioneer Woman:
Another fun action/effect I think would look really good on this is the "Seventies" action. This emphasizes the graininess of the image and makes it look aged, and sort of vintage.
My sister and I were too cute, if I do say so myself.
Too cute does not begin to describe it : )