Tuesday Tunes: Needtobreathe

Last Wednesday I went to Asheville for a Needtobreathe concert. This was not my first time seeing them live, however it was their first time playing in Asheville. I've mentioned this before but Needtobreathe is from the area where I went to college. The lead singer played football at my school. So we feel a lot of pride and bit of ownership over the band. They played at the first Sigma Nu fraternity party I went to. They played in our downtown area dozens of times and my sophomore year they played at beach weekend. One of the best parts about Needtobreathe is how amazing they are live. Also hearing a huge crowd singing what is mostly praise music is pretty awe inspiring... "Even when the rain falls, even when the flood starts rising, even when the storm comes, I am washed by the water."

When they are live they are talented enough to sound as wonderful as they do on the cd only it's enhanced. They fool around with the lyrics, add amazing guitar solos, and interact and include the audience. Also, in concert they tend to do an acoustic, grassroots version of one of their songs. They ask everyone to settle and be quiet for a little then they unplug, grab a djembe drum, the mandolin, banjo, acoustic guitars and it is beautiful. The song they performed this time was The Valley of Tomorrow which they said they had never played live since it was recorded. Enjoy...
